There I was sitting in a boring meeting. My mind started to wander. I thought, “Who else in my industry goes to these types of meetings? Who else is doing what I do to try to build their business? No one!” My first reaction was, “Well since no one does it, it obviously is not a good use of my time either.” Then I remembered what I preach all the time. “The best you can hope for following best practices is being average.” I certainly have no desire to be average. In fact, I only want to only see average in my rear view mirror. That means I must do things others do not. That means I must try things that other think are risky. That means I must be willing to fail. Only by being willing to try the something different can I hope to be more than average. Have I failed in the past? You bet! Will I fail in the future? I hope so. Because it is only through failure that I can uncover something that is truly valuable to my family, my clients and myself. I then create new best practices and then improve on them. By continually recreating best practices I add value to my clients and stay ahead of my competition.
If you want to be more than average avoid industry best practices and continually re-invent your own.