I find it amazing that the end of the world is being prophecies once again and the Church has no response. Throughout history there have been countless predictions of the end of the world and other false prophecies and the church responds with yawn.
Christ stated even he did not know when the end was coming. Yet Harold Camping claims to know. Is he claiming to be greater than Christ himself? His website’s front page as of 18:00 May 21 state “‘…blow the trumpet … warn the people’ Ezekiel 33:3 Judgement Day May 21, 2011 The bible guarantees it!” It guarantees it?
Attributing a prophecy to God, which is not His, is considered very serious in scripture. But the church today treats these as mere annoyances or simply ignores it all together.
This is the second false prophecy for the end of the world by Harold Camping. The first was 1992. Yet I am sure he will have some reason why he gone it wrong, again. Regardless of the reason, he was wrong and therefore is a false prophet.
I am sure he will continue to receive donations, gifts and other financial support. How can anyone, who calls themselves a Christian, support this blasphemy and others like it financially or in any other way. The church needs to be the church and stand up again this deformation of the character of God.