Author: JD Stewart

  • Trade Show Magicians Enhance Booth Traffic

    Professional trade show magicians can be a powerful tool in your trade show tool belt. They increase traffic at your trade show booth, as well as heighten awareness of your products to conference attendees. You should not think of a trade show magician simply as an entertainer. Because when you hire a trade show magician…

  • Networking for Innovation

    In an article on my site, entitled Creating an Innovative Culture I spoke about how some companies sabotage their innovation effects by not encouraging networking among  department and suppliers and customers. The reasons for encouraging a networking culture are numerous and obvious. No only for innovation and creativity but for simply maintaining business health. The…

  • Agile Innovation

    How do you develop really good ideas? The answer to that is simply. Develop a lot of them. Most new ideas will fail. Only a few will succeed. How to you come up with really good ideas? Come up with a lot of ideas. Since it is recognized that most new ideas will fail you…

  • Agile Software Development in Innovation

    A recent article in the Harvard Business Review How to Kill Innovation: Keep Asking Questions pointed out the natural result to the question “What about….” The idea dies. But if you don’t ask questions how do you know if a decision is correct of a idea should be pursued? Only companies or organizations that have…

  • Building Innovation – Part 2

    In a previous post Building Innovation Part 1I asserted that everyone at one time was creative and innovative and that creativity was actually unlearned. So what can you do to regain your creativity? What can you do to rebuild the creativity of those in your organization and thereby the creativity of your organization? Here are…