I was listening to a gentleman yesterday talk about goal setting. He was big into goal setting and set big goals for himself. And he almost always achieves them. He was not always like that. He use to set goals and then may or may not achieve them. He response to missing the goal was, “Oh well.”What made the difference was the fact that he started looking at the reason behind the goal. He wanted to understand why achieving a particular goal was important to him. As he understood why he wanted to achieve that goal, he was better able to motivate himself into achieving the goal. It kept him focused and allowed him to make mid course corrections.
Understanding why we want to accomplish something gives us guidance as to how to accomplish it. Additionally it constantly reminds us why a particular goal is important. So before you set up your daily tasks, or set out next quarter’s goals or milestones. Ask yourself this question. So what? So what if you make the goal? So what if you do not make the goal? What difference will it make? Ask yourself, what is really important to you. Why are you here? What is your purpose?
I know a man who says the most important thing in his life is his family. But he spends all of his time on other things. He bemoans the fact his oldest set of grandchildren are grown and they do not even know him. Yet he does not spend time with his youngest grandchildren in spite of pleas from his children. He simply “does not have the time.” Other things get in the way. Here is the rub. I believe him. I believe he values his family, but he does not know how to set priorities. As a result other things get in the way of accomplishing what his true goal is, his family.
So take some time and reflect. Only once you understand your purpose will you be able to properly set your goals. Once you understand what your goal is, work backwards setting yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals that will allow you to fulfill your purpose. It all starts with asking, “Why am I here?”
Right now I am going to have lunch with my wife. She is a priority in my life.
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