How do you become more creative? The answer is simple. Are you ready? Practice! Yep! That’s it. Sorry no magic spells with this one. You just have to keep trying.
There is a great debate as to rather or not creativity can be taught. If something has been done then there should be no doubt it can be done. I believe creativity can be taught because it has been taught, thus proving the thesis. The debate is really over rather some people are naturally more creative than others. It is the classic nature versus nurture debate.
Creativity is an art but that does not mean that it does not have rules and guidelines to follow that allow us to be better at it just as all other forms of art do. There are technique and tools can be taught to allow people to be better than they were before. And some people learning the skill is easier that with other people. But the skill can still be and has been taught.
There is some innovation training available but after learning how you will not suddenly be creative. After being taught how to play the clarinet, I could actually make music with the instrument rather than just annoying squawking noises. But it was only through practice I became any good at it. Practice also plays a important role in being creativity. Like other art forms you improve the more you try. I was never, what you would call really good at playing the clarinet. I was just too lazy to practice the amount of time that being good required. But I was pretty good. Today, however, I can barely play the instrument at all. Why? I have not practiced in a very long time. Playing a musical instrument is a perishable skill. I lost the skill of playing the clarinet by not continuing to practice the clarinet. I still know what to do, I just can’t do it. I have the knowledge but not the skill.
When you start practicing being creative, the probability is you will not be good at it. That’s ok! When you start playing a musical instrument you aren’t any good at it either. The only way to become good is to stay at it. It is work but I believe you will find it the most fun work you will ever do.
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